Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ok so wow. wow. wow. wow. I'll start by being completely honest, I have been so overwhelmed for the past 2 days that I've had a constant stomach ache and I haven't stopped crying. Rediculous? Not in my eyes at the moment. I'll start by saying here I am! A little war torn from the 26 hours of travel and I just keep looking around me with this far off gaze not quite knowing how to handle all of this.
The flights were a little uncomfortable and about half-way through my final flight guess who puked in the bathroom? That would be me. So if you can't tell already, my nerves are getting the best of me.
After coming through customs I came out the doors to meet Africa frantically searching for my name on a white piece of paper among the sea of faces. I finally found it and had my first encounter with a Tanzanian: Mr. Jones. To gain a full appreciation of Mr. Jones, picture the recent film The Blind Side and Big Mike. As I climbed in the back of his cab actually thinking about the fact that I just followed this man I didn't know in a country I've never been to and simply climbed in the back of his car. No time to think about the possible things that could have gone wrong. I took a deep breath. Off we zipped into the busy streets of Dar Salaam and all the pictures I have ever seen about Africa were confirmed. I was so shocked and overwhelmed that I could't even take pictures. All I kept thinking was, "Mr. Jones, you got my back right?" After about 20 minutes we turned the corner and there was the shore and the beautiful aqua blue waters. And floating above the water was a double rainbow and I thought to myself, "Admidst all my doubting and all my second guessing, God paints a double rainbow in the sky to remind me of His promise."My trip ended as we pulled into the embassy housing of Col Tim and Cathy Mitchell. Breath of fresh air. I got a huge mom hug and was ushered into the kitchen and to a bowl of cereal. After some good chit chat, I hadn't spoken English to anyone in 24 hours, I was ushered out of the house by tim and Bennet (3 1/2 yearl old little girl who became my best friend) to the yacht club for a walk on the beach and some pizza. Incredible. First Tanzanian sunset was standing on a beautiful beach with my toes burried in the sand and water. "This is all going to be ok," I thought to myself. I also experienced my first African rain. Magical. Rain sounds different here.
I'm now back sitting in their livingroom with Bennet at my side writing to you all. I think it will take some time before I have clear words for all of this so I ask that you bear with me as I attempt to convey in the most clear manner the craziness that is going on in my head throughout this experience.
Thank you all for your prayers and your support as I ventured out on this, what seems crazy in my overwhelmed mind right now, adventure. Please continue to pray that things become more familiar and less scary/overwhelming.
I love you all!


  1. Sounds like a horrible trip but I'm sure it will all be made worth every second.

  2. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

  3. Love you, Han.

    I knew you'd love the African rain. I hope you get a monsoon. (You HAVE to run around in it if you do- muddy time!)

    I'm so excited for/highly jealous of you right now.

    Praying for you, dear friend.

  4. We're praying for you! He holds you even as it feels like the ground beneath your feet is crumbling. Savor the double rainbows and the pizza, He is in the details.
    Meredith for all

  5. A technicolor yawn huh?! Just think, if that had not happened, you would not have had an ending to your first paragraph! You are going to do "gloriously". You know God has your back and you are about to find out that simple pleasures really are the best. The unknown does bring out the craziness in one's head. There is no point of reference from which to pull guidance. Sort of like that first day in algebra class!! However, where is it written that we have to have the means to digest immediately what one is experiencing?? Your words will come-don't rush it. Your blog can wait. However, for Mom and Dad's benefit, you do need a one or two liner that says "another glorious day in the neighborhood and I am fine!!" You are wonderful Hannah girl. Mega hugs and a slap on the butt to you!! Love, Beth

  6. Dear Hannah. You are painting a real picture of the country for us. We can sense your enthusiasm and will keep you in our prayers. It sounds like you got your internal clock turned around in record time. Usually takes me about a week. Keep 'em coming. Love from Buela
