Thursday, May 20, 2010

You should probably check your passport expiration BEFORE you leave......

Well my friends, I'm less than a week out and all the planning and errands are almost finished.
Here's a fun story:
I was on my way to take my current passport downtown to the Tanzanian Embassy to get my visa when we looked inside the passport to find out that I wasn't able to travel on it. "What is that all about?" you might ask? Why yes, that is what I thought too. I have been traveling on my military passport which you are only allowed to travel on if your home address in overseas. Whoops. So I went and grabbed my sad little civilian passport only to discover that it has expired. Big whoops. So I have now spent the past 48 hours standing in line at the less than organized and up to speed express passport office (what I renamed the "DMV of Passports," you all know what that one means) in downtown D.C. (zero fun sir). So today I emerged, still alive, from the office and made it to the embassy to pick up my visa with time to spare. Who knew you could get an express passport for under $200 in 2 days? Awesome.


  1. K, for those of us following this...MORE UPDATES, WOMAN! :P
    You're on the other side of the country, and I miss write more? Haha. When you have the time
    Much love
