Friday, July 9, 2010

The time has come...

The time has come. I fly out in a few hours. Six weeks of life (rapidly changing life) has flown by and I’m staring 26 hours of travel in the face once again. We dropped the rest of my team off at the airport this morning and are running some low key last minute errands before my flight this afternoon. I am sad saying goodbye to Africa. But I’m excited as well. I know this is not my last time here. God has begun a work in my life and I don’t know where it will lead but I know that this trip was the beginning of something. God is doing amazing work in this country where there is so much need for Him. This land is the forefront of a spiritual battlefield and there are those who are living in it and fighting it for the cause of Christ in their everyday lives (the missionaries). They need our prayers as they fight this battle. It has been an honor and privilege to have had these past 6 weeks sharing in the burden of their calling, living a while in their lives. They are amazing people.

Prayers as I travel and as I transition back into life in the states; there will be a little reverse culture shock and I have some catching up to do (I missed 6 weeks of your lives!). I have about 2,500 photos so if you are bored come look me up and I will be more than happy to show you all 2,500 with complete and full explanations : ). Thank you for your prayers and support thus far, the physical journey is almost ended.

See you on the other side.
Love from Tanzania, Hannah

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